Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm Gross

I have officially been diagnosed with Strep Throat. I had a sore throat a few days ago but it wasn't that bad and I heard that was going around anyway. Well, I felt better the next day and carried on my merry way. Yesterday I woke up and my throat was a little sore again, but what I really noticed were my glands. They were SO swollen and my throat felt thick. So I get to work and take a look in the mirror and what do I see......

That's right, a big pus pocket! I know, I am sick (in more ways than one) and I apologize for those of you with weak stomachs, you may now click off of my blog. ;) Anyway, I went to the Dr and got my diagnosis and was given an antibiotic.

I don't get sick that often and tend to get bored when I have to stay home all day. That is usually when I come up with silly ideas like taking pictures of my throat. My fever may be making me a little delirious as well. So for those I have been in contact with within the last few days, I am sorry if you get infected. This especially goes out to my co-workers (Brooke, I love you!).


Mary said...

Oh my gosh, you poor baby!!!! That is horrible. I hope by the time you read this you are healed and feeling better.
Do us all a favor and if you get hemmoroids, please do not take pictures!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!