Tuesday, December 18, 2007

More nothing.

Ok, so I have to post again and once again it will be random tidbits of useless information.

Celeste and I got yelled at by a maid at our apartment complex. We were going to the gym to work out and there was a sign on the door that we did not notice right away. Apparently the carpets were cleaned so the gym was closed. The lady was talking to someone else so we did not know at first she was directing her comments toward us. She told the other person that she was talking to that Celeste was not listening then told Celeste that she needed to read the signs. She was very rude and she is very lucky I am in the Christmas spirit, because I tend to not handle things like that well.

Later that night we were at Walmart and the lines to check out were sooo long. We were making our way up when a lady walked right in front of us and said "I am just going to go first" and she sure did. We were both a little shocked and then just laughed it off.

We then had a conversation about whether or not we could settle for someone who collected carts at Walmart for a living if he was really hot. We both said we could.

This is an old story but awhile ago I was at the laundry room at the apartments and there was an older man in there who struck up a conversation with me. Laundry rooms tend to be friendly places and most of the time people will talk to you. I talked with this man for awhile about Vietnam and mental health and then as I was leaving and he came over to tell me his name and what I thought was going to be a handshake. I stuck my hand out and he grabbed it and then proceeded to pull me into a hug. Can anyone say awkward and creepy? What made it worse was that he also smelled horribly of B.O. which I proceeded to smell on myself after the incident. The point of this story is, I am now afraid to go the laundry room alone because I might run into the hugger. I did laundry tonight safely and without incident.

I had a lady at work yell at me today. She called into the crisis line and when I told her she was not in a crisis, she began yelling at me that I was very rude and not helpful at all. She wanted to know how I could call myself a crisis worker if I was not willing to help people. The reason for her call: she wanted a number to the community college so she could meet people.

As a follow up to my last post, salt is very bad for high cholesterol. Does anyone know if there is a group for pickle addictions? I may need some support. I have also not had 1 sugar cookie since my last post. I did have a chocolate chip cookie and a scone.

I received a Christmas card from a dentist I went to 1 time for a cleaning. It had a picture of his family in it. Weird.

I went to Albertson's today and the checkout lady said Merry Christmas to me. I think that is the first time I have heard anything other than "Happy Holidays" since the beginning the of season. I quickly corrected her and reported her to the manager as well as the ACLU.

Last but not least, I am admitting here that I have tried online dating before. My latest contact was from a guy who thought I might be interested in dating he and his wife. I give up.

I hope you all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Celeste said...

You are a funny girl. I really think you should be a writer. Being yelled at really ruined my week so far. Stupid lady! I love your new blog.

Hello! said...

Oh man. You crack me up. Thanks for the laugh today Stace. I think creepy hugger might be my cousin. Sorry about that.

Sephalo said...

You should blog about nothing more's VERY entertaining! I think Christmas brings out the best AND worst in people, sorry you got yelled at so much! I LOVE YOU

Smiley Family said...

You are going to have to keep up with these random blogs, they are hilarious!! Thanks for the laughs:)